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HTML eBay Listing Designer

Home | Help | GNU GPL | Guide | Manual | eBay.co.uk | eBay.com

Welcome to the HeLD Website

About HeLD
HeLD is a listing designer for the popular website eBay. HeLD outputs content based on a predefined template, which can be customised to the users requirements.
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Why use HeLD?
HeLD is an open source application, released under the GNU GPL. HeLD allows users to add a professional style to there pages, without the cost of using one of eBay's [basic] templates. If the user has some web space, which is often given away by the users ISP, then additional photo's of the product can be added to the listing at no extra fee, without using eBay's picture galleries.
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Where can I get HeLD?
HeLD is avaliable from the HeLD page on the SourceForge website here.
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Who created HeLD?
HeLD was created by Jason Jacques, a College student who lives in London, UK. You can contact him by emailing tarlrules@users.sourceforge.net.
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How do I use HeLD?
General information about HeLD can be found on the help page. For a step-by-step guide to using HeLD see our Guide page. This is especially suited to new users of command line programs, and the eBay site. For a more in depth guide, including information on creating listings in batches on a larger scale, please see the Manual.
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SourceForge.net LogoHTML eBay Listing Designer (HeLD) © Jason Jacques 2005. HeLD is released under the GNU General Public License. HeLD and its author(s) are not associated with eBay in any way. HeLD is dependant on the continued operation of the SourceForge on which many dependant files are stored. The author can not be held accountable for the continued operation of these servers, nor for the continued existence of the required files on them. HeLD comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY (See the GNU GPL for more information).